Sudan se bori s katastrofalnimi poplavami
Hude poplave v Sudanu so prizadele že 300. 000 ljudi, samo avgusta so narasle vode odnesle 50 življenj, opozarja Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO).
Foto: 70 odstotkov 12-milijonske Manile pod vodo
Filipinsko prestolnico Manilo so prizadele hude poplave. Umrlo je najmanj sedem ljudi, na deset tisoče jih je moralo zapustiti svoje domove. Na območju je razglašen rdeči alarm.
The international community commits to serve growing expectations for climate services
An ambitious international drive to cushion the impact of climate variability and change through the provision of user-orientated climate services like seasonal outlooks, drought and flood advisories will be accelerated thanks to decisions taken at an intergovernmental meeting organized by the World Meteorological Organization.
At its first session 1 to 5 July 2013, the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services agreed on an operational road map for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). This is a country-driven initiative to provide accurate and accessible climate services to users all over the world, with an initial focus on the agriculture, water, health and disaster management communities.
"The urgency in achieving early successes in this endeavour cannot be overstated," said WMO President David Grimes. "We have seen many recent examples of climate-related extreme events with enormous negative social and economic impacts and the tragic loss of life."
2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes
The world experienced unprecedented high-impact climate extremes during the 2001-2010 decade, which was the warmest since the start of modern measurements in 1850 and continued an extended period of pronounced global warming. More national temperature records were reported broken than in any previous decade, according to a new report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The report, The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes, analysed global and regional temperatures and precipitation, as well as extreme events such as the heat waves in Europe and Russia, Hurricane Katrina in the United States of America, Tropical Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, droughts in the Amazon Basin, Australia and East Africa and floods in Pakistan.
The decade was the warmest for both hemispheres and for both land and ocean surface temperatures. The record warmth was accompanied by a rapid decline in Arctic sea ice, and accelerating loss of net mass from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and from the world's glaciers. As a result of this widespread melting and the thermal expansion of sea water, global mean sea levels rose about 3 millimetres (mm) per year, about double the observed 20th century trend of 1.6 mm per year. Global sea level averaged over the decade was about 20 cm higher than that of 1880, according to the report.
Foto: Prezgodnji monsun prinesel katastrofalne poplave
Število žrtev katastrofalnih poplav in zemeljskih plazov v Indiji bi lahko preseglo tisoč. Okoli 40. 000 ljudi je še vedno ujetih v gorah zvezne države Uttarakhand na severu države.
V Indiji tragedija tisočletja, v Kanadi evakuirali 100.000 ljudi
Število žrtev uničujočih poplav v Indiji je preseglo število 500, monsunsko deževje pa še kar kaže svoje zobe. Medtem so na drugem koncu sveta v Kanadi zaradi poplav evakuirali 100. 000 ljudi.
V Indiji monsun usoden za stotine ljudi, predvsem romarjev
Več tisoč vojakov skuša na severu Indije priti do vasi in mest, ki so odrezana od sveta zaradi poplav in zemeljskih plazov, ki jih je povzročilo monsunsko deževje.
V Nemčiji množične evakuacije zaradi poplav
Poplave na vzhodu Nemčije povzročajo vse hujše težave, potem ko je naraščajoča Laba dosegla novo rekordno raven. Donava je v Budimpešti dosegla vrh in naj bi se kmalu začela umirjati.
Panike v Pragi ni, novice o poplavah objavljajo 24 ur na dan
"Tukaj imajo 24 ur novice o stanju poplav. Danes sije sonce, taka pa je tudi napoved za prihodnje dni," je za MMC povedala Katja Novak, katere kratek oddih v Pragi zaznamuje predvsem slabo vreme.
Arso: Glede poplav ni razloga za preplah
Agencija RS za okolje sporoča, da v Sloveniji glede poplav ni razloga za preplah. Pretoki rek pri nas so večinoma srednji, velik pretok imata le Mura in Drava.
Foto: Srednji Evropi po 11 letih znova grozijo stoletne poplave
Na jugu Nemčije, na Češkem, v Avstriji in Švici se borijo s hudimi poplavami, ogrožena so tudi znamenita mesta, kot so Passau, Linz in Praga. Več ljudi je umrlo.
V Avstriji, Švici in Nemčiji strah pred poplavami
Po obilnem deževju so reke v Avstriji, Nemčiji in Švici nevarno narasle, ponekod tudi poplavljajo. Donava povzroča težave prebivalcem v nemškem Passauu, v Švici pa so morali ustaviti plovbo na . . .
Sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction office set up
The Korean Meteorological Administration is to host a new International Coordination Office of a project which aims to improve predictions at sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales. Improved weather-to-climate forecasts promise to be of significant social and economic value, especially in agriculture and food security, water resources management, transportation and tourism to just name a few applications.
A memorandum of understanding on the establishment of the office, to be based on Jeju island, was signed by World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Michel Jarraud and Lee Ilsoo, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to WMO.
WMO participates in Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster risk reduction is at the core of the mission of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs,). as over 90% of disasters are linked to weather, climate- and water-related hazards. Climate change is expected to lead to an increase in the intensity and frequency of some of these hazards. WMO is therefore an active participant in the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction 19 to 23 May 2013.
About 4,600 representatives from governments, civil society and the private sector are expected to attend the Global Platform "Invest Today for a safer tomorrow: Resilient People Resilient Planet." The event is organized by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction. Discussions will focus on a follow-up action plan to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015, which is a global initiative to make the world safer from natural hazards.
WMO Executive Council meets as cyclone underlines need for weather warnings
The Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) opened its annual meeting 15 May to review progress and challenges in providing weather, climate and water services to meet the growing needs of society. The development of cyclonic storm Mahasen, which could potentially impact more than 8 million people in the Bay of Bengal, underlined the vital role of meteorological warnings to protect lives and property.
Enhanced disaster risk reduction, improved quality and use of tropical cyclone warnings and public weather service delivery are on the agenda of the Executive Council.
Zaradi poplav preiskujejo upravljavca dravskih elektrarn v Avstriji
Uničujoče poplave, ki so prizadele zgornjedravsko dolino, bodo dobile sodni epilog. Tožilstvo v Celovcu je sprožilo preiskavo proti upravljavcu dravskih elektrarn v Avstriji. To bi lahko vplivalo . . .
WMO Information System is strengthened
Two new Global Information System Centres have become operational under the World Meteorological Organization Information System which aims to improve and expand the current exchange of weather, climate and water data.
Global Information System Centres Seoul (Republic of Korea) and Melbourne (Australia) became operational 29 March and 16 April 2013 respectively. They join Beijing (China); Exeter (UK), Offenbach (Germany), Tokyo (Japan), and Toulouse (France), which became operational in 2012.
The WMO Information System makes it easier to find and use meteorological observations and products and to share them with a wide variety of stakeholders such as the research and disaster risk reduction communities. Successfully receiving, transmitting and handling weather, climate and environmental information is vital for sustainable economic development.
V Sisku so zaradi poplav pripravljeni na morebitno evakuacijo prebivalstva
S Hrvaškega poročajo o nevarnosti poplav v več delih države. V Sisku so pripravljeni na morebitno evakuacijo prebivalstva zaradi visokih vodotokov Save in Kolpe.
Zemeljski plazovi ogrožajo hiše v občini Duplek
Zemeljski plazovi in poplavljanje podzemnih voda še vedno ogrožajo dele severovzhodne Slovenije. Poplavljata pa tudi Ljubljanica na Ljubljanskem barju ter Krka v spodnjem toku.
Voda je zalila ceste in kleti. Gasilci zaščitili tudi cela naselja.
Zaradi razmočenosti terena se je danes po državi usulo več plazov. Podtalna voda je zalivala kleti in ceste, gasilci pa so s protipoplavnimi vrečami s peskom pred podtalno vodo zaščitili več hiš, . . .