V Loški dolini bo mirno, a ne na Cerkniškem jezeru in Planinskem polju
13. november 2014, RTVSLO, Novice, Okolje, Voda
Ponoči in v petek se bodo ojezerjene površine na Loškem polju ustalile, na Cerkniškem jezeru in Planinskem polju pa se bodo še naprej počasi povečevale, opozarjajo na Arsu.
Javno naznanilo – reja 76.500 piščancev brojlerjev in 200 prašičev pitancev - Farma Prančberger
9.12.2021, ARSO
Izdaja okoljevarstvenega dovoljenja Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje objavlja javno naznanilo za izdajo okoljevarstvenega dovoljenja za obratovanje naprave, ki lahko povzroča onesnaževanje okolja večjega obsega in sicer za rejo piščancev brojlerjev s proizvodno zmogljivostjo 76.500 mest (Farma Prančberger) in napravo C1, v kateri se izvaja dejavnost reje prašičev pitancev s proizvodno zmogljivostjo 200 mest, na lokaciji Zgornja Ščavnica 71, 2233 Sveta Ana v Slovenskih goricah. Vlagatelj zahteve za dovoljenje je Edvard …
Climate characteristics and factors behind record-heavy rain in Japan in August 2021 - Japan Meteorological Agency
24.9.2021, WMO
In mid-August 2021, areas from western to eastern Japan experienced record-heavy rain.?The conditions observed are mainly attributed to the following:?- Unusually for mid-summer in eastern and western Japan, like atmospheric flow in the latter half of the early-summer rainy season, known as the Baiu, a stationary front was strengthened by a significant north-south gradient of temperature in the lower troposphere between the Okhotsk High to north of Japan and the southward shifted North Pacific Subtropical High (NPSH) expanding to the south of Japan. A continuous confluence of water...
Pollution and barriers are key problems for Europe’s waters
23.9.2021, EEA
European water bodies suffer from agricultural pollution as well as pollution from insufficiently treated waste water from cities, industry and scattered dwellings, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today. Artificial barriers, together with navigation, abstraction, aquaculture, and invasive alien species cause additional pressures. However, solutions to tackle the problems exist and should be more widely adopted.
Air pollution still too high in most EU Member States
21.9.2021, EEA
Concentrations of key air pollutants remain too high in most European countries. According to the European Environment Agency’s official data, published today, most European Union (EU) Member States exceed at least one or more of the EU’s legal limits for pollutants in ambient air in 2019.
Climate Change PIX winners selected
20.9.2021, EEA
Winning captures of the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) ‘Climate Change PIX’ photo competition show how climate change is already affecting Europe but also how well-known solutions can make a difference. The winner of the Youth Prize uses artistic skills to make a bold statement about the global emergency.
Več: Vse novice |Okolje |Voda