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Spremenjena prometna ureditev Strmec - Mangart


V soboto, 4. julija bo na odseku Strmec - Mangart vzpostavljena nova prometna ureditev.

Spremenjen prometni režim na cesti Strmec - Mangart


V soboto, 4. julija bo na odseku Strmec - Mangart vzpostavljena nova prometna ureditev.

Connecting protected areas with green infrastructure would strengthen Europe’s ecosystems


The European Union’s (EU) network of protected sites, Natura 2000, could be further connected with green infrastructure to create a trans-European nature network. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, highways and other infrastructure currently disconnect about 15 % of the Natura 2000 sites from other nature areas, reducing their capacity for ecosystem services.

EU met air pollution limits for four key pollutants, including ammonia, in 2018


In 2018, the European Union met all air pollution limit ceilings set for total emissions of the four key pollutants monitored under EU rules. Emissions of ammonia levelled off after five years of increases, according to updated data released by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today.

Average CO2 emissions from new cars and new vans increased again in 2019


According to provisional data, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA), average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU), Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom (UK), increased in 2019, for the third consecutive year. The average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased slightly. Zero- and low-emission vehicles must be deployed much faster across Europe to achieve the stricter targets that apply from 2020.

Average CO2 emissions from new cars and new vans increased again in 2019


According to provisional data, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA), average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new passenger cars registered in the European Union (EU), Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom (UK), increased in 2019, for the third consecutive year. The average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased slightly. Zero- and low-emission vehicles must be deployed much faster across Europe to achieve the stricter targets that apply from 2020.

Europe’s seas face uncertain future if urgent, coherent action not taken


Faced with the increased threats posed by overexploitation of marine resources, pollution and climate change, urgent action is needed to bring Europe’s seas back to good condition. According to the European Environment Agency’s report on Europe’s marine ecosystems, published today, we are running out of time to reverse decades of neglect and misuse.

Ageing population, emerging technologies and fiscal sustainability can influence EU’s path to sustainable future


Environmental policies must be better integrated across all government work if Europe is to stay on target toward a sustainable, carbon-neutral future. This will be crucial amid the profound changes which are expected to happen as a result of an ageing European population, a widespread technological change, and the competing allocations of public budgets. Tackling these complex challenges with sustainability in mind will require clear, bold, long-term and future-proof policies, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today.

Doubling recycling across Europe is feasible, for certain waste streams


There is significant potential to increase recycling across Europe for municipal, construction and electronic waste according to a European Environment Agency briefing released today. Compared to current recycled amounts, this potential can double recycling for municipal and electronic waste and increase it by 30 % for construction and demolition waste.

Longer-lasting electronics benefit environment, climate and circular economy


Extending the lifetime and delaying obsolescence of electronics can significantly reduce their environmental and climate impacts and contribute to meeting the European Union’s (EU) environment, climate and circular economy objectives. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, smartphones, televisions, washing machines and vacuum cleaners all are used on average for shorter periods than both their designed and desired lifetimes.

Reducing and recycling food and garden waste to boost Europe's circular economy


Bio-waste is one of the key waste streams in Europe and holds great potential for the circular economy. According to the European Environment Agency’s new assessment, reducing and using bio-waste could cut emissions, improve soils and provide energy. Recycling bio-waste is also key for meeting the European Union’s target to recycle 65 % of municipal waste by 2035.

Spremembe na MP Hrvaške in Italije


Od 15. junija odprti vsi maloobmejni prehodi s Hrvaško

Spremembe na MP Hrvaške in Italije


Od 15. junija odprti vsi maloobmejni prehodi s Hrvaško

Quality of Europe’s bathing waters remains high, latest annual assessment finds


The quality of Europe’s bathing water remains high, according to this year’s European bathing water quality assessment published today. Just under 85 % of swimming sites across Europe monitored in 2019 met the European Union’s highest and most stringent ‘excellent’ quality standards.

New cars and vans sold in 2018 more CO2 intensive, final data confirms


Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new cars registered in the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) and Iceland increased in 2018 for the second year in a row, according to final data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). For the first time, average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased in 2018. More efforts are needed from manufacturers to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions.

New cars and vans sold in 2018 more CO2 intensive, final data confirms


Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new cars registered in the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) and Iceland increased in 2018 for the second year in a row, according to final data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). For the first time, average CO2 emissions from new vans also increased in 2018. More efforts are needed from manufacturers to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions.

EU greenhouse gas emissions kept decreasing in 2018, largest reductions in energy sector


The European Union (EU) cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 23.2 % from 1990 to 2018, according to latest official data, published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Over the period, the EU’s contribution to global emissions is estimated to have decreased from 15 % to 8 %. In 2018, the EU’s emissions decreased by 2.1 %, confirming the EEA’s preliminary estimates published in October 2019.

Previdno pri vožni po gorenjski avtocesti


Na gorenjski avtocesti DARS med Naklim in Radovljico opravlja preplastitve vozišča s pomočjo posebne tehnologije. Zaradi zahtev tehnološkega postopka na vozišču ostaja kamenje. Voznike opozarjamo naj se držijo varnostne razdalje in omejitev, saj jim kamenje lahko poškoduje vozilo.

Previdno pri vožni po gorenjski avtocesti


Na gorenjski avtocesti DARS med Naklim in Radovljico opravlja preplastitve vozišča s pomočjo posebne tehnologije. Zaradi zahtev tehnološkega postopka na vozišču ostaja kamenje. Voznike opozarjamo naj se držijo varnostne razdalje in omejitev, saj jim kamenje lahko poškoduje vozilo.

Postavitev oznake visokih voda v Krškem


Vabilo na dogodek Vabimo vas, da se 1. junija 2020 ob 10. uri, pred Mestnim muzejem Krško na Valvasorjevem nabrežju, udeležite postavile nove oznake visokih voda. Obeležili bomo višino, ki jo je reka Sava dosegla ob poplavljanju oktobra 2010. Na dogodku bodo predstavniki Agencije Republike Slovenije za okolje, Ministrstva za okolje in prostor, Zveze geografov Slovenije, Mestnega muzeja Krško in lokalne skupnosti. Vabljeni. Zakaj oznake visokih voda Poplavljanje rek in morja je bolj ali manj …


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