Zaradi megle priprli Luko Koper, letališče Jožeta Pučnika obratuje
Zaradi goste megle so sredi noči priprli Luko Koper, kjer vsako vplutje in izplutje obravnavajo posebej. Takšno vreme naj bi vztrajalo do sredine prihodnjega tedna.
Sneg po stotih letih pobelil Kairo
Nenavadno mrzlo in sneženo zimsko vreme je po več letih zajelo Jeruzalem, kjer je snežna odeja debela do 37 centimetrov. Sneg je po več kot sto letih pobelil tudi Kairo.
Central/South American countries to strengthen early warning systems in urban areas
As part of its commitment to promoting the development of multi-hazard early warning systems (EWS) in urban areas, WMO joined with several partners to organize a workshop from 10-12 December on “Multi-Hazard Warning Systems in Urban Areas in Central America.” Hosted by Costa Rica through the National Commission on Emergencies (CNE) and the National Meteorological Institute (IMN), the workshop explored the challenges, gaps, needs and opportunities for strengthening early warning systems and climate resilience in large and medium-sized cities in Central America.
Mr Juan Carlos Fallas, Director-General of IMN and President of WMO Regional Association IV (North America, Central America and the Caribbean), summarized the case for strengthening urban early warning systems. He cited key vulnerabilities such as the growing size of cities in the region, the increasing vulnerability of expanding populations, weak infrastructures (such as drainage systems and buildings), and current zoning codes. As a result of these factors, urban populations are highly exposed to hydrometeorological hazards such as severe precipitation and flash floods.
WMO Invites Fellowship Nominations
WMO is inviting fellowship applications from students and researchers, especially from developing countries, who want to further their careers in meteorology and hydrology and related disciplines.
Candidates must complete a Fellowship Nomination Form which must be certified by the Permanent Representative of the recipient WMO Member and submitted within the deadline (in many cases the end of January 2014).
For more than half a century WMO has, through its fellowships programme, cooperated with partners in building and sustaining a critical mass of experts in national meteorological and hydrological services in developing countries.
WMO provides support for short- and long-term fellowships world-wide, particularly through its Regional Training Centres and higher institutions specialized in meteorology, hydrology and allied disciplines, in order to promote specialized training and maximize the use of available resources, WMO has also entered into partnership on provision of fellowship opportunities in China, Germany, Japan, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States.
An artistic view of Europe's waste – EEA announces competition winners
After 200 entries from 29 countries, the European Environment Agency (EEA) is pleased to announce five winners of the Waste•smART competition, which invited Europeans to produce a video, cartoon or photo on the topic of waste.
Del zaščitenega območja posekali in ogrozili redkega raka
Del Bistriškega vintgarja na desni strani potoka Bistrica, tik pred Rimskim kamnolomom, je uničen - del, ki ga je še nedavno preraščal gozd, je povsem prekopan.
Modeliranje vodne bilance in toka nitratov v vodi
Strokovni posvet ARSO z nemškim raziskovalnim centrom Ljubljana, 9.12.2013. V okviru večletnega razvojnega sodelovanja Agencije RS za okolje (ARSO) z enim največjih nemških raziskovalnih središč JULICH so bili od 4. do 7.decembra 2013 na delovnem obisku trije priznani raziskovalci s področja regionalnega modeliranja vodne bilance in toka hranil v vodah: dr. Frank Wendland, dr. Ralf Kunkel in dr. Frank Herrmann. Prvi dan obiska je bil namenjen predstavitvi rezultatov razvojnega sodelovanja na področju regionalnega modeliranja vodne bilance. …
Black carbon: Better monitoring needed to assess health and climate change impacts
Black carbon is an air pollutant which harms human health and can contribute to climate change – so cutting emissions may have many benefits. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published a report on the measurement of black carbon in the air.
Global megatrends shaping Europe's environment
Surging economic growth in many emerging economies is increasing global competition for resources and the burden on natural systems. The European Environment Agency (EEA) is analysing these changes and their implications for Europe’s environment in an updated assessment of 'global megatrends'.
Foto: Sever Evrope v boju z močnim vetrom in deževjem
Orkan Xaver je v noči s četrtka na petek divjal po severu Evrope, nad obalo Severnega morja, od koder je prodrl proti Srednji Evropi. Zahteval je najmanj devet smrtnih žrtev.
O kakovosti zraka v Savinjski regiji
Strokovno srečanje v Celju Celje, 4. december 2013 – Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje - Agencija RS za okolje (ARSO) je skupaj z Zavodom za zdravstveno varstvo Celje, Inštitutom za varovanje zdravja RS ter Mestno občino Celje organizirala strokovno srečanje »Kakovost zraka in zdravje ljudi – skupen interes nas vseh«. Srečanje v Celju sodi v niz dogodkov, ki potekajo v slovenskih občinah pod okriljem leta zraka. Kot je poudarila Nataša Kovač iz Agencije RS za okolje, je namen dogodkov odločevalcem in javnosti …
Foto: Evropa v boju z orkanskim neurjem
Sever Evrope je zajelo silovito neurje, ki bi lahko bilo po napovedi vremenoslovcev eno izmed najhujših v zadnjih letih. Povzročilo je že številne težave v prometu.
Posvet o uporabi vesoljskih tehnologij za spremljanje okolja
Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje in Center odličnosti Vesolje-Si organizirata strokovni posvet o vesoljskih tehnologijah in njihovi uporabi pri spremljanju okolja. Osnovni namen posveta je seznanitev z razvojem in uporabo vesoljskih tehnologij za spremljanje okolja v Sloveniji, kot tudi z možnostmi vključevnja slovenskih ustanov v evropske programe povezane z vesoljskimi tehnologijami. Posvet bo potekal v ponedeljek, 09.12.2013, v veliki sejni sobi Agencije Republike Slovenije za …
O kakovosti zraka v Savinjski regiji
Strokovno srečanje v Celju Celje, 4. december 2013 – Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje - Agencija RS za okolje (ARSO) je skupaj z Zavodom za zdravstveno varstvo Celje, Inštitutom za varovanje zdravja RS ter Mestno občino Celje organizirala strokovno srečanje »Kakovost zraka in zdravje ljudi – skupen interes nas vseh«. Srečanje v Celju sodi v niz dogodkov, ki potekajo v slovenskih občinah pod okriljem leta zraka. Kot je poudarila Nataša Kovač iz Agencije RS za okolje, je namen dogodkov odločevalcem in javnosti …
Typhoon Committee Workshop Focuses on Haiyan
The impact and implications of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) will be reviewed at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) / World Meteorological Organization Typhoon Committee Integrated Workshop on “Forecasting, Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in the Mitigation of Tropical Cyclone Impact in a Multi-Hazard Environment” from 2 to 6 December 2013.
“This workshop is taking place at a time when the world’s attention has been drawn to the severe disasters brought about by the very strong typhoon Haiyan, which passed across the centre of The Philippines with an impact that was unprecedented in the history of that country, “ said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud in a message to the workshop.
“Typhoon Haiyan is the fifth named tropical cyclone that has made landfall in The Philippines this year. It crossed an area already devastated by a strong earthquake about one month before. It created a tsunami-like storm surge that the people of The Philippines had never encountered before,” he said.
WMO and UNESCO renew cooperation in hydrology and water resources
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have signed an agreement reaffirming their long term cooperation in the field of hydrology and water resources.
The agreement was signed 25 November at UN Headquarters in New York by UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, and WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud on the sidelines of the U.N. Chief Executives Board meeting at the culmination of the International Year of Water Cooperation.
While maintaining respective programmes in line with their fields of competence, the agreement recognizes the necessity of close cooperation on freshwater, water science and water resources.
Improved Weather and Climate Forecasting Saves Lives, Builds Climate Resilience
GENEVA, Switzerland, November 27, 2013 – Countries need to invest in well-equipped and fully staffed meteorological and hydrological agencies in order to better prepare for natural hazards, which could save an average of 23,000 lives a year and provide up to $30 billion a year in economic benefits, according to a new World Bank Group report.
“There is a lot we can – and must - do to reduce the impact of disasters,” said Rachel Kyte, the World Bank’s Vice President for Sustainable Development. “We know, for example, that every dollar we spend on early warning saves up to $35 in disaster response. As the intensity and frequency of extreme weather increase as a result of climate change, we have to shift our focus to prevention and preparedness.”
Weather and Climate Resilience: Effective Preparedness through National Meteorological and Hydrological
Services urges countries to modernize their national meteorological and hydrological agencies, also known as NMHSs, so that they can strengthen their capacity to provide early warnings of extreme events such as tropical storms, floods and droughts. The report was jointly launched by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)—a World Bank-managed multi-partner initiative—and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Burja podirala drevesa in drogove ter odkrivala strehe
Zaradi močnega vetra imajo primorski gasilci precej dela - burja je podirala drevesa in električne drogove, zaradi česar so ponekod ostali brez eletrike, ter odkrila dve strehi.
Front-running cities changing transport, improving quality of life
Many cities in Europe are changing, according to a new report which points to rapid transformations in urban transport in some areas. While cycling and efficient public transport are becoming the norm in some urban areas, Europe’s transport sector is still a major contributor to excessive levels of greenhouse gases, air pollution and noise, the report says.