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South-West Pacific Regional Association Meets


Meteorologists in the South-West Pacific are meeting to discuss how to strengthen weather and climate services in a region exposed to heatwaves, drought, tropical cyclones and flash floods, and is especially vulnerable to rising sea-levels caused by climate change.
Promotion of sustainable development, especially in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is high on the agenda of the World Meteorological Organization's Regional Association for the South West Pacific session in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 2 to 8 May, 2014.
The Regional Association, which currently groups 23 Members, meets every four years to discuss challenges and priorities. WMO has six such Regional Associations.

Let's clean up Europe!


Volunteers across Europe will pick up litter on Saturday 10 May, as part of a coordinated EU Clean Up Day. The event is particularly timely, as there are growing concerns that rubbish polluting Europe's land and sea harms wildlife and may ultimately affect human health.

Improving transparency in water services


The average European directly uses approximately 130 litres of water per day. Better access to data on water supply and treatment may help Europe use this precious resource more efficiently, according to a new report on water utilities.

Predstavitev aktivnosti ob zaključku leta zraka


Ukrepi za izboljšanje zraka v Sloveniji V letu 2013/2014 smo v različnih občinah po Sloveniji izvajali strokovna srečanja o kakovosti zraka, organizirana pod okriljem Ministrstva za kmetijstvo in okolje - Agencije RS za okolje in Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje. Namen je bil seznanitev splošne in strokovne javnosti o stanju in vplivih onesnaženega zraka na zdravje ljudi po slovenskih občinah, povezati odločevalce, snovalce politik, znanstvenike in državljane ter izmenjati izkušnje, ideje in poiskati ustrezne rešitve. Leto …

V čakanju na eksplozijo poginulega kita


Prebivalci novofundlandskega mesteca Trout River na severovzhodu Kanade živčno čakajo, kaj se bo zgodilo s 60 ton težkim truplom modrega kita, ki trohni na obali, tik ob stanovanjskem naselju.

Soil contamination widespread in Europe


There are an estimated 340 000 contaminated pieces of land in Europe, most of which are yet to be identified, according to a new Europe-wide assessment.

Veliki koralni greben žrtev ambicij po največjem pristanišču za premog


Avstralija zagotavlja, da bo poskrbela za zaščito Velikega koralnega grebena, potem ko je Unesco zagrozil z njegovo uvrstitvijo na seznam ogrožene naravne dediščine zaradi načrtov o odlagališču . . .

‘Environment & Me’ photo competition open for entries


A new competition from the European Environment Agency (EEA) invites both professional and amateur photographers to capture what the environment means to them. Participants can win cash prizes and their photographs may be used to communicate environmental issues in major EEA reports.

Ekološki boj proti škodljivcem na vrtu


Listne uši V boju proti listnim ušem se najbolje izkažejo sivka, šetraj in kapucinke. Sadna drevesa zaščitimo pred listnimi ušmi tako, da pod njimi zasadimo kapucinke.

New cars meet CO2 target two years ahead of the deadline


Cars sold in 2013 were 4 % more efficient than the year before, according to provisional data. Average carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre have continued to fall, so in 2013 the European Union fleet already collectively met its legal target for 2015.

Finding Europe's quiet areas


At least 110 million people are adversely affected by noise from Europe’s busiest roads alone. People need to escape this pollution and access quiet places to work, relax and live a healthy life. Such ‘quiet areas’ should be protected under EU legislation, but how does this work in practice?

Indian Ocean governments to collaborate on rescuing climate data


Recognizing the need to accelerate the recovery of the region’s large volume of invaluable historical climate records, governments meeting this week in Maputo, Mozambique have decided to establish the Indian Ocean Data Rescue (INDARE) initiative.
The International Workshop on the Recovery and Digitization of Climate Heritage in the Indian Ocean Rim Countries and Islands also adopted a declaration and agreed to finalize an INDARE implementation plan.

South Asian Climate Outlook Forum on 2014 summer monsoon season


The South Asian Climate Outlook Forum has issued its climate outlook for the summer monsoon season of 2014. There is strong consensus among the experts about the possibility of evolution of an El Niño event during the summer monsoon season. However, it is recognized that there is uncertainty in the intensity of the El Niño event. There is also consensus about the potential for adverse impacts of El Niño on the monsoon rainfall over the region. However, other regional and global factors also can affect the monsoon rainfall patterns over the region.

Weather and Climate Information for Food Security


WMO’s Commission for Agricultural Meteorology has held its quadrennial session, which was dominated by the need to optimize weather and climate services to improve food security for the growing global population and meet the challenges of climate change and extreme events such as droughts and floods, which can wreak havoc with crops, livelihoods and commodity prices.
The Commission, which met 10-15 April in Antalya, Turkey, set its priorities for the next four years. These include the critical need for more human and financial resources and capacity-building, and for closer cooperation between meteorologists, farmers and the wider agricultural industry, said Commission President Byong-Lyol Lee, who was re-elected for a second term.

WMO Update Indicates Possible onset of El Nino Around Middle of Year


Sub-surface water temperatures in the tropical Pacific have warmed to levels similar to the onset of an El Nino event, and climate models surveyed by WMO experts predict a steady warming of the tropical Pacific during the months ahead, according to the latest Update from the World Meteorological Organization. A majority of models indicate that an El Niño may develop around the middle of the year, but it is still too early to assess the strength of any such event.

NOAA: WMO retires Ingrid and Manuel for Atlantic and eastern North Pacific basins


The World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) hurricane committee announced today it will no longer use the name Ingrid for future tropical storms or hurricanes in the Atlantic, and the name Manuel in the eastern North Pacific, because of the death and destruction both storms caused in Mexico in September 2013.
The WMO will replace Ingrid with “Imelda” and Manuel with “Mario” when the 2013 lists are reused in 2019.

Foto: Po ZDA še vedno divjajo tornadi, ki so številna mesta zravnali s tlemi


Na jugu ZDA še vedno divjajo močni tornadi, ki so zahtevali že 21 življenj. Ponoči je bilo najhuje v zveznih državah Misisipi in Alabama.

V divjanju tornadov v ZDA umrlo najmanj 17 ljudi


V več tornadih, ki so divjali po srednjem zahodu ZDA, je v nedeljo v zveznih državah Arkansas in Oklahoma umrlo najmanj 17 ljudi. Poročajo o večji gmotni škodi.

Černobilske ptice se v sevanju bolje počutijo


Ptice v zaprtem območju okoli jedrske elektrarne Černobil so se prilagodile ionizirajočemu sevanju, kaže najnovejša raziskava. Še več, nekaterim vrstam celo koristi.

Po 5. maju ponovno dela na slovenskih avtocestah


V maju 2014 voznike čakajo delovne zapore na kar enajstih odsekih slovenskih avtocest. Večina del se bo izvajala med vikendi in v nočnem času. Zastojem se povsod kljub temu ne bo dalo v celoti izogniti. Voznike zato pozivamo, da si svoja potovanja, v primeru, da so na njihovi poti zapore, načrtujejo izven največjih prometnih konic ali pa poiščejo možne alternativne poti.


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