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Monthly Weather Summary - January 2021 - Kingdom of Bahrain


January 2021 was warmer than normal in temperatures and below-average precipitation.?The mean temperature of the month was 19.0?C which is 1.5?C above the long-term normal for January and this goes on record as the fifth-highest mean monthly temperatures for January since 1902. This is same as January 1953 and 1999 and exceeded by January 2019 with a record of 19.7?C, January 2004 with a record of 19.6?C, January 2010 with a record of 19.2?C and January 1947 with a record of 19.1?C.

La Niña has peaked, but impacts continue


The 2020-2021 La Nin?a event has passed its peak, but impacts on temperatures, precipitation and storm patterns continue, according to a new update from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Despite the general cooling influence of La Ni?a events, land temperatures are expected to be above-normal for most parts of the globe in February-April 2021.
La Ni?a appears to have peaked in October-November as a moderate strength event. There is a 65% likelihood that it will persist during February-April, with a 70% chance that the tropical Pacific will return to ENSO-neutral conditions by...

Sand and dust storm hits Europe


A major intrusion of sand and dust from the Sahara transformed skies and the landscape over Europe on the weekend of 6-7 February, with far-reaching impacts for the environment and health. It once again highlighted the importance of accurate forecasts and warnings of this transboundary hazard.
[[{"fid":"21260","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"EU Sentinel2 image of the Pyr?n?es, covered in sand 8.2.2021 ","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"EU Sentinel2 image of the Pyr?n?es, covered in sand 8.2.2021 "},"type":"media...

Sand and dust storm impacts Europe


A major intrusion of sand and dust from the Sahara transformed skies and the landscape over Europe on the weekend of 6-7 February, with far-reaching impacts for the environment and health. It once again highlighted the importance of accurate forecasts and warnings of this transboundary hazard.
[[{"fid":"21260","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"EU Sentinel2 image of the Pyr?n?es, covered in sand 8.2.2021 ","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"EU Sentinel2 image of the Pyr?n?es, covered in sand 8.2.2021 "},"type":"media...

Many obsolete barriers harm Europe's rivers


River continuity is key to improving the ecological status of Europe’s water bodies. However, very few free-flowing rivers remain and the barriers in them cause significant pressures for about 20 % of Europe’s surface water bodies. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, looks at the issue of river barriers and their impact on ecosystems.

Preventing chemical pollution requires a new approach for designing safe and sustainable products


The recent European Union chemicals strategy for sustainability aims to ensure that chemicals make a positive contribution to society without harming the environment and people’s health. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published today, describes key approaches to make chemicals and products safe and sustainable by design, before they enter the market.

Sprememba od A5 do MP Petišovci za tovornjake


Na odseku od avtoceste A5 do MP Petišovci (in obratno), bo od 9. 2. 2021 dalje dovoljen promet za vse voznike tovornih vozil nad 7,5 tone, ki bodo potovali kamorkoli na vzhod Hrvaške, ne le v Medžimursko ali Varaždinsko županijo kot je to veljal od 1. junija 2020 v zadnjem letu in pol.

Sprememba na A5 do MP Petišovcev za tovornjake


Na odseku od avtoceste A5 do MP Petišovci (in obratno), bo od 9. 2. 2021 dalje dovoljen promet za vse voznike tovornih vozil nad 7,5 tone, ki bodo potovali kamorkoli na vzhod Hrvaške, ne le v Medžimursko ali Varaždinsko županijo kot je to veljal od 1. junija 2020 v zadnjem letu in pol.

Sailing for Science


A new era of sailing for science is beginning, with support for vital ocean observations from the high-profile round-the-world Vend?e Globe yacht race.
[[{"fid":"21219","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"map of the route","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"map of the route"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"map of the route","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"map of the route"}},"attributes":{"alt":"map of the route","title":"map of the route...

Météo-France éclaire le climat en France jusqu’en 2100


M?t?o-France a produit de nouvelles projections climatiques de r?f?rence en France. Ce nouveau jeu de projections ? l??chelle des r?gions m?tropolitaines est disponible sur le site DRIAS. Il permet ? nos soci?t?s de mieux anticiper et de s?adapter.?Le climat a d?j? chang? -?En France, la hausse des temp?ratures a atteint 1,7 ?C depuis 1900 et s?est acc?l?r?e ces derni?res d?cennies. Les cons?quences sur notre territoire s?accentueront in?vitablement d?ici 2050.?Si nous ne renfor?ons pas assez nos actions de lutte contre le changement climatique, le r?chauffement pourrait ?tre...

Schools across Europe share results of their air quality projects


More than 100 schools from 8 European countries participated in the citizen science CleanAir@School inititative, organised by the European European Agency (EEA) and the European Network of the Heads of Environmental Protection Agencies. The results of the initiative, published today, describe how schoolchildren measured pollution levels, learned about air quality and promoted actions for cleaner air.

Advanced digital technologies can play a crucial role in making Europe’s waste management systems more circular and sustainable


Digital technologies like robotics, cloud computing and artificial intelligence will help improve the sustainability of Europe’s waste management systems. According to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing released today, increased use of these technologies can help deliver more effective waste management across Europe, improving logistics, recycling rates and enable better purchasing and sorting decisions by consumers.

Insights in Climate Science


A spate of recent reports has highlighted accelerating climate change indicators, amid mounting popular and political momentum for more ambitious climate action.
Ten New Insights into Climate Science, published by the WMO co-sponsored World Climate Research Programme, Future Earth and the Earth League, provided a synthesis of the latest findings for policy and society.
These included:
Improved models strengthen support for ambitious emission cuts to meet the Paris Agreement targets
Emissions from thawing permafrost is likely to be worse than expected
Deforestation is degrading...

Political and popular climate momentum mounts


Political and popular momentum is mounting for urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the face of increasing indicators and impacts of climate change.
?The science has never been clearer. We are facing a climate emergency. We are already witnessing unprecedented climate extremes and volatility, affecting lives and livelihoods on all continents,? U.N. Secretary-General Ant?nio Guterres told the Adaptation Summit on 25 January.
?According to the World Meteorological Organization, there have been more than 11,000 disasters due to weather, climate and water-related hazards over...

Political and popular climate momentum mounts


Political and popular momentum is mounting for urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the face of increasing indicators and impacts of climate change.
?The science has never been clearer. We are facing a climate emergency. We are already witnessing unprecedented climate extremes and volatility, affecting lives and livelihoods on all continents,? U.N. Secretary-General Ant?nio Guterres told the Adaptation Summit on 25 January.
?According to the World Meteorological Organization, there have been more than 11,000 disasters due to weather, climate and water-related hazards over...

Political and popular climate momentum mounts


Political and popular momentum is mounting for urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the face of increasing indicators and impacts of climate change.
?The science has never been clearer. We are facing a climate emergency. We are already witnessing unprecedented climate extremes and volatility, affecting lives and livelihoods on all continents,??U.N. Secretary-General Ant?nio Guterres told the Adaptation Summit?on 25 January.
?According to the World Meteorological Organization, there have been more than 11,000 disasters due to weather, climate and water-related...

New funding and strategic plan boosts Haiti’s Hydro-Meteorological Service


WMO is supporting the first ever national strategic plan to strengthen Haiti?s Hydro-Meteorological Service (UHM), as well as a new international initiative to build resilience to extreme weather and climate change impacts in the western hemisphere?s most impoverished nation.
The Climate Risk and Early Warning Services Initiative Haiti project was launched on 27 January to improve forecasts and early warnings of hazards such as hurricanes, floods and droughts which regularly impact the vulnerable Caribbean nation.
WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas said early warning systems...

The Systematic Observations Financing Facility: Filling the data gaps for effective adaptation investments


Over the last two days, more than 30 global leaders joined the Climate Adaptation Summit calling for urgent action to drive a decisive shift towards climate resilient development.
The climate crisis threatens to push 130 million people into extreme poverty by 2030 while the world is confronted with the COVID-19 crisis. To reach adaptation action at scale, it will need to be at the heart of the COVID-19 recovery.
Among the several challenges and urgent needs highlighted in the Summit, early warnings and climate information were deemed as a priority.
UN Secretary General Antonio...

Climate Adaptation Summit, 25 – 26 January 2021


The Systematic Observations Financing Facility: Filling the data gaps for effective adaptation investments
Over the last two days, more than 30 global leaders joined the Climate Adaptation Summit calling for urgent action to drive a decisive shift towards climate resilient development.
The climate crisis threatens to push 130 million people into extreme poverty by 2030 while the world is confronted with the COVID-19 crisis. To reach adaptation action at scale, it will need to be at the heart of the COVID-19 recovery.
Among the several challenges and urgent needs highlighted in the...

Plastics, a growing environmental and climate concern: how can Europe revert that trend?


The ever-increasing amount of plastic, its impact on biodiversity and contribution to climate change, and how to deal with it in a circular economy perspective have been on the European Union’s policy agenda for years. The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the attention for plastic waste with images of masks in our seas, and large amounts of single-use protective gear. In the circular plastics economy report, published today, the European Environment Agency (EEA) analyses the need and potential for a shift to a circular and sustainable approach to our use of plastics.


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